From Struggle to Strength - Blog Post Series #3

As the holidays and new year approach, C2C is honored to present “From Struggle to Strength,” a series focusing on the personal stories of the girls we support. We invite you to celebrate these remarkable young women as they share their hopes, challenges, dreams, and accomplishments. Your support of our students and their limitless potential is deeply appreciated.


Archana is 13 years old and has been attending SPRJK for four years. Her family of six relies on her father’s inconsistent wages as a carpenter. Since she and her siblings are too young to work, she helps her mother with chores at home. Archana is grateful to C2C and SPRJK for providing them with a monthly ration and her education.

She loves drawing, dancing, singing, and participating in school taekwondo competitions. She is proud to be competing at the district level. “I think the skills that I acquire in taekwondo are skills that are helpful in life,” she says. “They teach me great morals between right and wrong.”

Archana wants to become a doctor and counts her father as the person she most admires. “I really admire my dad because he taught me to dream big,” she says. “He is doing so much hard work to fulfill our wishes. He’s my inspiration, my superhero, my everything.”

Archana appreciates the math and technology skills she has learned in C2C programs. “Because of computers, we learned many new topics as well as much information about the world and technology,” she says. “Vedic math taught us an easy way to…make math more interesting…now I love to do math. This knowledge will be helpful for my career path.” Science and computers are her favorite classes because she loves to experiment and to use technology. 

Archana now helps her father with online bill payments and forms using tools like Excel and Google Drive, a skill she learned through C2C classes. She is happy about his pride in her new abilities. She is also grateful to C2C for providing students with remote access and phones so she could continue her studies during the COVID-19 lockdown. She especially enjoyed learning Scratch.

“Thank you so much for supporting girls’ education,” Archana says. “If one girl will be educated, (then) society will be educated…Sharing and learning are what keep me alive and growing every single day. That’s why I’m grateful to have this opportunity to grow. Thank you, entire C2C team.”